Friday Facts

Friday, September 25, 2009

I was tagged by Kate from The Neverending Shelf.

Available or single? Isn't this the same thing?? I am very much single.

Best Friend? Don't really have one.

Cake or Pie? I'm not that keen on sweet stuff, but I would rather have pie, especially cherry pie.

Drink of choice? Mountain Dew :)

Essential item for every day use? Computer

Favorite color? Cerulean blue

Google? where I go for everything

Hometown? Indiana

Indulgences? books, movies, art supplies

January or February? neither, but February is closer to the warmer weather.

Kids and their names? 3 year-old daughter: Kaylee

Life is incomplete without…? My daughter.

Marriage date? N/A - you got to have a boyfriend first

Number of siblings? 2 - a sister who's 19 and a brother who just turned 18

Oranges or apples? Apple

Phobias and fears? Sure, I have a few.

Quote for the day? don't really have one.

Reason to smile? Kaylee

Season? summer just because my birthday is in June :)

Unknown fact about me? I can't really think of anything.

Vegetable you hate? peas

Worst habit? biting the inside of my lip when I'm bored or nervous

X-rays you’ve had? had one done on my head when I fell and knocked myself out

Your fave food? homemade chicken and noodles

Zodiac sign? Cancer



Unknown said...

That was so much fun to read!

Leslie said...

aww that was too cute!

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