Book Review: The Girl with the Mermaid Hair

Friday, January 8, 2010

The Girl with the Mermaid Hair by Delia Ephron

Releases: January 5, 2010
Publisher: HarperTeen
Pages: 320
Rating: 3 stars
Sukie Jamieson is obsessed with her appearance. She checks her reflection in windows, spoons, car chrome—anything available. So when her mother gives her a full-length mirror that once belonged to her grandmother, Sukie is thrilled. So thrilled that she doesn’t listen to her mother’s warning: "This mirror will be your best friend and worst enemy.” Because mirrors, as Sukie discovers, show not only the faraway truth but the truth close up. And finding out that close-up truth changes people. Often forever.

I'm not really sure where to begin with this review. The Girl with the Mermaid Hair was an...interesting read - much different than they type of books I normally would read. To me, it was okay. I didn't hate it, but I didn't fully enjoy it either.

I found myself getting quite annoyed with Sookie's character and even her mother's too. Sookie is the kind of person who is extremely obsessed with the way she looks. Constantly taking pictures of herself, or even looking at herself with anything that will show her reflection. If one hair on her head was out of place, she would freak. I also think that Sookie's mother is the majority of the reason Sookie is the way she is - everything had to be perfect, so of course Sookie picked up the same attitude. I would think it's unhealthy to live life having everything extremely perfect.

Overall, this was a decent novel, but not one of my favorites.



Unknown said...

HMM I have been looking forward to this one - but not sure with your review sorta sounds like one I would not like...HMM thanks for the honest review! :)

Unknown said...

Okay I don't think I'll bother with this. It actually sounds pretty average. Thanks for the honest review.

Tales of Whimsy said...

Fab review. I love honest reviews.

Kirthi said...

This sounds...okay. Sookie doesn't look like the character I would like. Great review!

Just Your Typical Book Blog said...

Thanks for the review. I'm signed up on a book tour for this but have been wondering about it.

ExtremeReader said...

The cover of this book is the same picture (different color) used on my arc copy of The Mark by Jen Nadol!

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