Dani Noir Contest

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Contest Closed: Winner announced here.

Wanna read Dani Noir? Well, here's your chance. I'm giving away 1 hardback copy of Dani Noir to 1 lucky winner.

To Enter: Just leave a comment

Extra Entries: +1 for every link to this contest (MUST LEAVE LINK)

Contest ends November 28th @ midnight. Open to US and Canada.


*Thanks to Simon & Schuster for providing a copy for this contest*



Larissa said...

Me! Me! I wanna win it! :)

I'm gonna tweet it: lchardesty on twitter.

Anonymous said...

I like books :) Also, I'm trying to write tween/ya, so this would be considered research material for me :)

Orchid said...

Love the cover of the book. Please count me in. :)

hauntingorchid (at) aol (dot) com

Eleni said...

Please enter me, this book sounds good!


Natalie said...

Ooo...I'd love to enter!
+1 Tweeted it!
+1 Sidebar Link

Natalie @ Mindful Musings

Robin Lemke said...

Me!!! I want a copy for the holidays!

Cindy said...

cool :) enter me please!

ReggieWrites said...

Enter me please! I wanna read this =)


Kelsey said...

This book looks really good, I love the cover.

kelseythebookscout at gmail dot com

Kristin said...

Me! Me! Me!
+1 Tweet

Courtney Barr - The Southern Princess said...

Oh how I would love to win this book!



helgor said...

Me! Would love a copy!

helene @ heleneboudreau dot com

Anonymous said...

Enter me please :)

+2 sidebar http://owlforya.blogspot.com

foltzsfantasticbooks at gmail.com

jpetroroy said...

Please enter me!

jpetroroy at gmail dot com

Anonymous said...

Please enter me!
+ 1 tweet at juliaakarr on Twitter

juliakarr at me dot com

Anonymous said...

I would love to be entered in your draw. Thanks. wandanamgreb(at)gmail(dot)com

Anonymous said...

Hi :)
Thank you for the opportunity to win.
I posted about this on my blog (rkcharron.blogspot.com) for Wed Nov 18 8am EST.
All the best,

Nikki @ Bookizzle said...

I would love to be entered!

Thanks for the opportunity. :)

Anna Staniszewski said...

I'm in! Can't wait to read this one!

+ 1 Tweet http://twitter.com/annastanisz


Anonymous said...

Please enter me. This book looks so interesting.

I've tweeted the contest -- @driftsmoke.

driftsmoke AT gmail DOT com

brizmus said...

PLease enter me! This sounds great!
it's in my sidebar under the Contest List

Jessy said...

Please enter me. I love the cover.
+1-Tweeted here: http://twitter.com/Emma015/statuses/5831996889

findjessyhere at gmail dot com

Debra P said...

This looks exactly like what I would love to read this Winter. I'd love a chance to win Dani Noir. Thanks so much.

Debra P said...

I tweeted a link to the giveaway here:



Twitter: MissingLynxx

C. K. Kelly Martin said...

Count me in. Would love to read it!

Yan said...

I absolutely adore the cover! Heard so many good things about this book :)

Dani. said...

Dani Noir looks sooo cute, I want it so bad.
And it has my name in it:)

+1: Tweeted- http://twitter.com/Danidlion/status/5842217197
+1: Linked to Sidebar- http://danidlion.blogspot.com/


Book Butterfly (Kim) said...

I'd love to be entered!!
Thank you!


+1 tweeted @bookbutterfly9

jpetroroy said...

Please enter me!
jpetroroy (At) gmail (dot) com

aprilnichole said...

count me in.


Anonymous said...

I'd love to read this, please enter me!

alterlisa AT yahoo DOT com

Kristen said...

Please enter me!

dragonzgoil at gmail dot com

Allison T said...

Please enter me!
+1 http://allisonsbookreviews.blogspot.com/2009/11/contest-for-fallen-by-lauren-kate.html

Jennifer said...

Thank you for this opportunity. It would make for a great read over the holidays.

knittingmomof3 (AT) gmail (DOT) com

Cherie J said...

Please enter me. Thank you!


Anonymous said...

eee, the book sounds good :) please enter me.


Reading said...

Please count me in. Thanks for the chance.

lizzi0915 at aol dot com

Curiosa said...

id love to read it but i dont blog or tweet so lol i guess this is my only chance! curiosa831@gmail.com

Curiosa said...

by the way your blog is GREAT! seriously

Sylvia said...

I've been hearing wonderful things about this book! I can't wait to read it!:)


Anonymous said...

Please enter me into this contest.

+1 Link: http://www.goodreads.com/topic/show/244830-win-dani-noir-by-nova-ren-suma

Ashley said...

Ooh please enter me, thank you!

+1 Posted on my sidebar at http://booksobsession.blogspot.com

Lindsay Frost said...

I would LOVE to win this!!
Thankyou!! :D:D:D



Anonymous said...

This book sounds amazing! Please count me in! Thanks! :D

+1 Tweet: http://twitter.com/bookbutterfly/status/6129604297
+1 Blog link: http://bookbutterflyangel.wordpress.com/contests/

~Jacqueline (bookbutterfly, aka "The Nerdette")

Brittany said...

I would love to win this

+1 sidebar



Anonymous said...

I've seen this book around the blogosphere a lot lately and I can't seem to get it out of my head!

+1 I posted this on my Contests page.


Dahlia (TheBookShopaholic) said...

Enter me!


nikniknik said...

Omg! I love to read, too!
I'm not going to say 'choose me,'...
because that sounds desperate,
but choose me!<3

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